CyberX - Seminars Amsterdam & Zurich
Using telemarketing to reach delegate goals
May 2019
Jibe! Group is happy to welcome CyberX as a new client. This Israeli company is the only battle-tested cybersecurity platform built by cyber-experts with a proven track record defending critical national infrastructure.
CyberX asked Jibe! Group to organise their executive seminars in two cities in Europe in May and June. After extensive research we decided on the Marriott in Zurich and the Tobacco Theatre in Amsterdam.
Jibe! Group did not only take care of standard tasks like venue finding, contracting, room setup, technical requirements and catering but also of the invitation and confirmation process by phone. We called all invitees to make sure they had received the digital invitation correctly and made time to answer all their questions regarding the seminar. A few days before the event we called all attendees to reconfirm their registration and to share final travel instructions to ensure a smooth trip.
With the help of our invitees calling process both events exceeded the delegate goals of the client. Because of this, CyberX has asked us to organise their future seminars too,starting with the next one in Stockholm.