Qlik - Customer case story development

Providing a quick turnaround with minimal hassle for you and your customers.
For Qlik, leading supplier of self-service data visualisation & discovery solutions, we have been writing numerous customer case stories in the Benelux for customers such as AON, BICS, Heembouw, NOC*NCF and Philips. Each story has a business focus on time to value and return on investment. The customer case stories we develop for Qlik are aimed towards business users and have a strong focus on return on investment. It is our aim to be creative and develop different types of content in addition to the traditional case, such as video content, interactive PDF-files or infographics. We are proud to provide a quick turnaround with as little ‘hassle’ as possible for the involved account managers and customers. We plan the interviews, write the story and manage the approval processes directly with the clients involved.